Monday, March 23, 2009


Today, my grandmother gave me $500. To pay my rent, and cell phone bill. After i recieved that five hundred dollars, i than felt obligated within myself, to stay after the time i had desired, and entertain her. This was my first mistake. Do not make the favors people do for you, be the means by which, you fabricate a synthetic desire, in order to fulfill a furthur desire, upon your own heart. Lamens. Dont do anything, unless its what God wants you to do. I didnt submit myself to something i hated, because God wanted me to do it. I sat there totally out of myself, because i thought its what i had to do. And its not. It wasnt even what God wanted me to do. And if it were, i didnt even do it for that reason. I did it to satisfy myself. And in turn, didnt even do that. I did it because its what i thought(relying on my own knowledge, instead of Gods) and felt i should do(i "should" do nothing but what God wants me) Basically, i lied and wasted my grandmothers time, and mine as well. I gave her the impression that i actually cared about what she had to say. Furthur more, if she did find comfort in it, she found comfort in a deception. And thats no way to treat anyone.

Its such a shame. Because if someone is willing to be honest, they are shunned upon. Like, if i say, "i really didnt care what my grandmother " And people will say, "oh thats mean." But its only mean in the extent that i listened to her. And didnt interject and say, excuse me, grams. I dont care. Its difficult thing the human heart. And deceitful. Thats why its crucial to compare your intents and desires with the word of God. Otherwise your left to your "own morality" which is nothing. Its your heart decieving you into thinking, that by obeying it, you are fulfilling some grand moral law. When in reality, you are pretending to find interest in something, to satisfy yourself. It is much better, to deny something you are not interested in, and find something that truly satisfys you, in order to satisfy yourself. Instead of decieving yourself and others. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Zeitgeist the film.

Zeitgeist is a great film, i would advise anyone to see it. It is very informative. But can also be very lethal. So i've taken the time to shine some light on exactly what the movie entails before you view it. It has ample amount of truth in it. but unfortunately the corner stones of truth hath been excluded and diluded in it. Seeking his own glory. The maker of the film neglected to give due credit to a specific creator. Known as Jesus Christ. This may, sound bias. Because it is. I am on the side of truth. Because Christ is on the side of truth.i ask only this. That if you read this blog, you watch the film. Or that if you watch the film, you read this blog. Because this blog is the truth they excluded. And not only do i with the Lords help proclaim that. But we provide ample evidence, and support for such claims. Here is a link to the movie the movie is on the right i believe. I havent seen the second one, which should be on the left.

also, if you dont have much time to read, please scroll all the way down to the last paragraph and just read that. It sums up the review and claims.

Zeitgeist review.

i believe, because of this film, there is much need for discernment. All it supplies is ample evidence for Christ. I know they said a few things wrong. Or some would even say against. But none of it, take away from the judeochristian God or Jesus Christ. It just supports Jesus's claims. Ok the egyptians.The egyptians had the knowledge of Yahweh. But refused it. Instead worshipping their own designed Gods. In an attempt for Power over the people.( this is the spawn of religion for control. never forget, Christ hated religion) Secondly,the bible says the heavens declare the glory of God. So...why is there any suprise that, they actually do? Constalations, stars. it all correlates with the Bible. This movie was a big deception to take everyones hopeful eyes off of Christ. And place them on a man. A man seemingly full of truth, with a remedy for power.
The film. Is mixed with a lot of truth. Perhaps. All of it is true. Except. The beginning which seeks to eschew Christ. And the end, which seeks also, to replace him.

the man, i speak openly. Shares a world view similar to well, anything against Christ. The New Age movement i like to comment on. if this link is true, than the new age movement places us in Gods position. Now if im not mistaken. The bible claims Lucifer. Operates distinctly by this precise, exact, measure!. he does the same thing!? he debunks God. " did god really say that?" Than he tries to make us think we are him(God) "ye shall be like Gods" its very evident, and what troubles me is that hardily any of the material i have come across from Christians, doesnt openly share this perspective. I believe, the difficult part comes from this. Lack of knowledge or trust in God. And, particularily, i would like to include the vast, extensive, array of truth demonstrated in this film. Let me share. The best lies...imitate truth. Its simple, deception is easy... when it is cloaked in truth. So, as this film does. It contains an extensive array of truth. Facts of the worlds corruption, distinction, super powers, etc. A problem is presented. And it is no mystery. Anyone with a conciousness can percieve that there are possible problems in the world, if not conflicts. But, the most awesome and imperative truth is not so much this, but how do we get out of them? This my friends, is the awesome heresy produced by this film. And as the bible fortells, will and is a part of world events. It contains all the adequace of the bible statements and prophecies. Many will be decieved. He, removes Christ. And puts himself in the place of him. Those who do not believe in Christ, or who did and saw the movie. Will need, well...another mode of survival. And why not turn to the one who enlightened you extensively with truth? His entire outro is packed full of foolishness. That we are beautiful and strong. We are the answer. Who we are is the name of the game. this link is the transcript to the original movie. view only the end and beginning. Given they are the only portions that have been judged already. The man excludes deductive logic as a necessity to us. Such as the new age movement does. "there is no evil." He says, dont look for differences between us. All are one. He says Christ is not the way. We are. He says who we are is God. Just accept who we are. My bible says all were born into sin. And the intents of a mans heart from his youth are evil continually. Who we are...aint the two heresies in the movie to scripture. you will see. One lot in particular. Which i dont find fascinating because every encounter ive had with anything in the world has introduced me furthur into who God is. But lets look at romans 1:18-25 "for revealed is the wrath of God from heaven upon all impiety and unrighteousness of men, holding down the truth in unrighteousness.(the use of truth to manipulate the beliefs of others to believe a lie) Because that which is known of God is manifest among them, for God did manifest it to them,( the stars, constalations, heavens, earth) for the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world, by the things made being understood, are plainly seen, both His eternal power and Godhead -- to their being inexcusable; because, having known God they did not glorify Him as God, nor gave thanks, but were made vain in their reasonings, and their unintelligent heart was darkened, professing to be wise,( thinking their knowledge of evil is wise. When rather wisdom comes from God. Which was our initial problem in the garden of eden. We chose knowledge of evil instead of trusting in God. Which the faith in God is supreme to all wisdom and it ultimately is the only true way of wisdom) they were made fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into the likeness of an image of corruptible man,( ourselves) and of fowls,(horus, im sure the list goes on...) and of quadrupeds, and of reptiles. Wherefore also God did give them up, in the desires of their hearts, to uncleanness, to dishonour their bodies among themselves; who did change the truth of God into a falsehood, and did honour and serve the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed to the ages. Amen" Do you guys kind of see whats crackalackin? Satan saw, Gods power on earth. The Christians always preaching about government conspiracies and coverups. Deception and lies. Truth was on their side. So what did satan do? He designed a movie, getting rid of Christ, insinuating that belief in evil is stupid..or "wrong." And revealed himself as no other can. With indepth detail on the subjects the Christians have been trying to pin point for ages. Making us look like a farce, and themselves as superiors. At least in the uneducated common mind. We all know Christ is superior and divine. God is the only one who bares the title of saviour and he shares that glory with no one. But this performance has always been the way of satan. he has always created snares and polluted the truth at every turn. In reality. In truth, he is nothing more than a terror. And his danger comes in that we trust in him, rather than in God. The bible says that when we see him, we will look upon him narrowly, and say, " Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms?" He does not reveal himself now, because if he did, no one would fall for his mess. Thats the evil,shameful state of satan. And one of his greatest deceptions was telling us we didnt need God. Of which has spawned the ignorance of our current depravity. Never a creature so depraved, yet convinced it is man. This my friends is what satan does not want us to know. That without Christ we are nothing. We can do nothing. We need him. And satan doesnt want us to know how depraved we are, because than we will realize how desperately we need a saviour. We will see, "we are not Gods."
The movement will express its efforts for peace. But it is a deception. And Christ knows the way of peace. and can tell. Christ says i come not to bring peace on this earth, but a sword. Because there is evil in this world which must be combatted.

and also. satan makes it difficult for Christians in that. The most credible source of men for the world events leading to the antichrist, is also connecting to it the demise of Christianity. So in essence, it will be difficult for many Christians without the help of God to rightly divide this film in order to draw the truths. Either the anti christianism of it will draw them away. Or the presentation of the truth, alongside the lies portrayed, will draw christians into disbelief. The devil is cheif at designing snares. Its imperative this truth gets out, so all Christians are not robbed or mislead. There is truth in this film. Very good and credible. The shame is its mixed with lies. The lies are. Man is God. Christ is Not. period. all else is true.

Also, expressly a last thought. If the government wants to fool you, why would it devise a religion in which you are to expose the truth behind the government? Christianity. The movie claims Christianity was devised by world powers. But that contradicts the entire film.

Ok. Where do i begin. the movie is an attempt by the federal reserve, or the bankers, or the powers that be. To pollute the judeochristian God, because that is the only threat to them. They do so, by first excluding Jesus from history. And than following, giving a more detailed account of themselves than the Christians ever did,about world events and such. making them seem less of an authority. They obviously bare traits of satanism, for embracing not only the rejection of Christ. But the imposition of "we are god" by the new age movement. They overcourse go into detail about how biblical prophecy is being fulfilled. They dont say this, but it is demonstrated in their presentation of the unfolding of events. They all correlate with the bible. Really its beautiful. The truth is head on. Their only lacking in tact, in that, in essence they are trying to rid the world of its creator. Which is foolish. they want the world to exclude the idea that evil even exists. which would mean suspicians of evil activity would be shunned, perhaps even unacceptable. Which means implications or questions. No questioning the powers anymore. they wish to propose an episode of peace.(its in the bible) in which all is one.(one world government)its an effort by the powers that be, to draw everyone to themselves. Using truth as bait, to guide those seeking it into the belief that Christ is a myth.Because, in the bible it explains in detail, the way in which these events unfold. And that there will be a beast. A ravenous wolf in sheeps clothing. Speaking peace, peace...but once he has all, he will overthrow and take by storm. And do his bidding upon the power he has on earth. People like to ridicule preachers, people believing in the new world order. Many ordinances like to lead you to believe that men who discuss/ponder/entertain such ideas are loons. And finally when the events become more prominently correlated with the bible, they release a movie exposing the events, and excluding the bible.Jesus said i have not come to bring peace on this earth, but a sword.

Whats going to happen is the powers that be, are going to move from the federal reserve, to a position of the people. A movement seemingly spawning from them(the people), that involves everyones effort to overthrow the fed. And begin a new world order based on new age ideas.